Mentorship Program

Our program is heavily invested in Mentors on the outside who volunteer to be highly trained as Mentors to those who are incarcerated, and it is done from the convenience of their home through emails and video visits. No going into the prison is required, unless you choose to go in with our teams.
The program uses our unique 4-Phase “I See ME Free” Curriculum Manuals developed by Pamela Hillman, each over 200-pages that cover the 12-month committed mentoring period, or until completion of program. Mentors are critical for the success of this program and for individuals that want to succeed in all walks of life. This program allows the incarcerated Mentee/Student that is in our program to send the assessment that is at the end of every week’s lesson of our
“I See ME Free” workbook to their matched and assigned Mentor on the outside all through email by computer from the convenience of your home. We have a specialized software created specifically for our match process that works seamlessly and accurately, thus far.
The Mentor is required to log the inmate’s information to keep a measurable outcome weekly, and reports turned in to Mentor Director monthly. The Mentor is to send a card or letter every other week and do a video visit with their Mentee/Student once a month. This process takes approximately 30 minutes to 1-hour weekly of the Mentor’s time from the comfort of their home or office to bring hope, help and a new lifestyle to the incarcerated to prepare them to come out. If we don’t help change their mindsets while they are in, statistics say they will commit another crime within 3 years. The Mentor is given the workbook to “Walk Along-side” their Mentee, which is a double-edged sword to bring healing to both, in areas we don’t even know we often need healing for ourselves.
Mentors are trained by LifeChangers Legacy qualified trainers and the Department of Community Supervision “I Choice Support” additional extensive training program. For programs managed by LifeChangers Legacy we take the responsibility for recruiting the mentors, but ask everyone to recruit 1 person a month, and to purchase their and their mentees workbooks at our cost. For those who license our program, the licensee is responsible for the recruitment of the Mentors, unless otherwise established. We do have many options available.
Volunteer mentors participate in email and video correspondences with students (mentee's) weekly from the convenience of their own computer at home! Each student is matched with a mentor through our specialized software assessment match program.
Each student turns in a weekly assessment from the workbook to their mentor which is used for measurable outcomes. Food and clothing incentive packages are motivation rewards for those who complete a workbook. You meet a physical need, you plant a seed and meet a spiritual need!
To learn more about our mentorship program, please visit the Mentor Sign-up Sheets tab and/or email Diana at