My Financial, Business
Anointing, Miracles, and Blessings
The BE Attitude in Agreement with God!
Kingdom of God COME, thy will BE done!
“It is time to BE
what we have already become,
for such a time as this”
Creator Father God, your first commandment of creation was, “Let there BE light” in Genesis 1:3 You created me in your image as it is written in Gen 1:36, Therefore I have the same power through the blood of Jesus to command that there BE light in these individuals and all areas of my life today, in Jesus Name!
You have given me this power that I may command, instruct, give-orders-to, demand, decree and declare, dictate, exercise authority, master and conquer, control, manage, regulate, rule, and demand, so as to receive what is due, through your Word.
Almighty powerful Creator God, thank You that You have placed on me already and my family and all those on our team, the spirit and mantle of Your Anointing you have placed upon Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, the Source of all. I am seated with You in heavenly places, resurrected with and in Christ Jesus, on earth as it is in heaven to do as You did, and even greater works as You did.
As it is written in Luke 10:19 “All power and authority has been given unto me in heaven and in earth to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means harm me.” Or those I am praying for.
Thank You for the same anointing You have placed upon Solomon TO BE upon us, the anointing for resource management, for sound manifold wisdom, for power to create wealth to expand Your Kingdom here on earth, for success and favor in and with all we do, and for prosperity TO BE a witness to others and draw them to You.
Thank You for the same anointing You have placed upon Isaac TO BE upon us, for the sacrifice of self and for investment strategies.
Thank You for the same anointing You have placed upon Cyrus TO BE upon us, for financial acumen, the ability to make good judgments in quick decisions.
Thank You for the same anointing You have placed upon Esther TO BE upon us, for Kingdom strategies, for purification and holiness, and divine favor with the King, and all those around us.
Thank You for the same anointing You have placed upon Daniel TO BE upon us, for government, for excellence, for determination and boldness, and integrity in all we do and say.
Esther – we all go through a process to get us to the place where God has sanctified and purified us to be ready TO BE what we were created to accomplish.
Let these anointings flow on me and my family, and all these mentioned here today’s life, uncontaminated and unhindered, as I choose to partner with God’s plan for my and our life…strategically positioning us to fulfill what He has purposed for us.
I command and decree that these anointings be on each of our lives for this season to attract only those divinely ordained and appointed to assist us in fulfilling our assignment in the earth from this day forth, in Jesus’ name, as it is written in Job 22:28, “You shall also decree a thing and it shall be established onto you, and light shall shine upon your paths.” In Jesus Name! Thank You, Father God! Amen
It is time TO BE what He has called me______ (your name) TO BE,
for such a time as this.
The effective fervent prayers of the righteous avails much.
We are the fullness of Him, all in all. As He was, so ARE we TO BE like Him.
I have been assigned to engage and have relationship with and in Him.
The Christian life is learning how to tap into this co-laboring role to be able to pull out of the deposits within heaven through the Word which is already written for us.